Years ago during a workout, my personal trainer told me "you get what you train for". What did he mean? Well clearly he was talking about exercise: if you want a strong abdomen then you must train your abs not your biceps; but over the years it's struck me repeatedly how this applies to many aspects of life...You get what you train for.
In a bigger sense, this might apply to your life: Do you approach the world from a positive place, believing in yourself and expecting goodness, or do you have distrust and expect rejection, failure, disappointment or worse? Remember, we get what we train for so, in other words, we get what we expect.
If you expect to fail, be disappointed, lied to and hurt chances are that's what you'll find. Conversely, if you expect to succeed, be treated kindly and with respect there's a strong possibility you will find that to be true much of the time.
People who tend to be negative and have difficulty trusting were probably hurt at some point. Maybe their childhood was abusive, perhaps there was addiction in the home, maybe they were betrayed or abandoned. These are tragedies and I am not one to dismiss or invalidate painful experiences; however, it's the way we approach these events and how we respond afterwards that shape what we're training for.
You can't control the world around you and how other people behave, but you can control your mindset and what you expect from the world. Ask yourself if there is a particular pattern to how you view the world and anticipate being treated. Is it generally negative or positive? Is that the direction you want your life to take?
If you want a more positive life try training for it: see if you can recognize old, destructive patterns of thinking and replace them with more positive ones. Perhaps if you can trust more in yourself and in others you will find that your life becomes happier and more fulfilling.