Monday, November 4, 2013

I Know I'm Right!

How many times have you been in a situation where you know you are right and the other person is wrong? How often do you stay stuck in an argument or feud because of this?
This happens all the time with our significant others, our children, friends, co-workers, basically anyone in our lives; and it can be maddening when we KNOW we are right but the other person isn't listening - or worse, they just don't care. We often see this in divorces - one person will not let go of a battle no matter what the financial or emotional cost.
It's always upsetting to be treated unfairly. When we have childhoods or pasts in which we felt dismissed and unimportant, it can be unbearable to be treated unfairly and we can lose sight of our rationality. We can lock ourselves in a battle to the death to prove we are right.

But you need to ask yourself what price your need for justification comes with? Will it lead you to bitterness and anger, alienate you from loved ones and friends, cost you tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, will it cost you your inner peace, sleep and good health?
Years ago, a mentor of mine said "you can be right, or you can be helpful". Often it comes down to just such a choice, and the people/person you help may be yourself, your children, your significant other, your friends or loved ones. You can let go of the need to be "the right one". Instead, find your validation elsewhere and start the process of building peace in your life.
The next time you find yourself engaged in a battle to prove you're right, ask yourself if it's worth it. If the price tag includes severing relationships, hostility, collateral damage and high finances, are you willing to pay that price, or can you find a way to let go of being justified and work on re-building the connections that got damaged along the way?